Edgar Azuara
FIQWIS 10113
Over this past semester, there have been quite some improvements that I went through I would say, but there’s also been things I realized I needed to work on tremendously considering all the pieces of advice I was given.
I can start off with the Citations and being able to Cite a piece of evidence carefully and precisely, It never started like that though. When we first started to learn how to Site, All I would do is show the website and also just the author’s name. I realized though after we did the lesson on how to cite something correctly, boy oh boy was I wrong. First we had to put the same year that the site was published, which is extremely important because people will figure out if a piece of writing was copied from previous writings to something similar, or if the writing itself is credible. When I realized that sites had to be way more specifically written, I realized that this course would teach me way more stuff then I was thinking, considering this was mentioned in the first weeks of the class.
Another thing that made me improve this semester that I struggled with before was Peer review. I never realized that when I’m peer reviewing people’s work, I am not saying the truth most of the time. I hate giving advice because I feel like I’m being very rude for saying my opinion on someone else’s work, and telling them what to work on. In this class though I realized that if I wasn’t being honest, and telling the other person that I’m reviewing their work on everything they need to fix, I’m actually being more rude for not telling the truth to improve their work. Also the same thing went for me. Whenever I had peer review in High School, most of the advice I gave and people gave me weren’t specific, so I learned basically nothing from the advice given to me.
With the Learning Analysis Essay, I realized that the rough draft I made was way too specific on the wrong things. First of all, one mistake I made was explaining the wrong details, such as explaining the story I was just using as a reference. I was using it as a small introduction to the lesson I learned from the event, but instead I kept talking about it. This ruined the entire flow of the essay because instead of explaining the lessons I learned, I talked too much on the least important details. I also realized that like I said before, when I focused too much on the least important details, I didn’t explain thoroughly on the lessons, which was bad because it felt like I just threw it in the essay just cause I had to. The improvements I made though was letting the excessive details to a minimum and the lessons I learned explained more.
Paraphrasing is something I like to do especially when I can’t find a source. Considering I have to find information constantly, and there’s also times where a paper will make us paraphrase because quoting and using the same words as an article was plagiarism, we had to say what we knew from our own perspective, with our own words. When I paraphrase, I make sure that I don’t say something too similar to an author’s words. I just say my opinion on what I read and inference how the Author expressed themselves in the writing present.